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Hi. Welcome to our blog. This contains all of our recent work and sometimes just random stuff that we love to write about. BlueLights specializes in wedding photography. We strive to tell the real story of your special day through our photos. Do leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

17 Months

This post digresses from the wedding, engagement or portraits that you would normally see here. This is more of a personal posting not of me but of our little one Rafael who just turned 17 months a few days ago. It sure has been a wild ride for myself and Angel, being first-time parents. We try to look out for every milestone and as much as we can, document little things that he does out of the ordinary. It's easy to miss seeing him grow up when other things start to occupy our time.

Just recently, we've started the habit of taking him out to the playground after we get home from work just to free him from the constricting walls of our home. The way his eyes brighten up when he's outdoors, is just priceless. We have our camera(s) handy most of the time but he's at an age where sitting still is not an option. He runs around like a crazed cat that taking a photo of him is not easy. Below are some that I caught of him yesterday at the playground. I've recently renewed my interest in using the 50mm (a loaner from Ricky) shot wide open.


Can you see the delight in his eyes?

Here's a closer look

Breaking free from the clutches of Mommy and Daddy

Not for long

I wasn't kidding when I said he has so much pent-up energy

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