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Hi. Welcome to our blog. This contains all of our recent work and sometimes just random stuff that we love to write about. BlueLights specializes in wedding photography. We strive to tell the real story of your special day through our photos. Do leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Michelle + Elvin Slideshow - San Francisco, CA

We finally finished post processing Michelle and Elvin's photos! Watching the slideshow over and over just reminds us how much fun we had shooting their wedding. Thank you Michelle and Elvin for trusting us to document your special day.

Here's a link to their slideshow.



Pocholo said...

Great Pictures, you guys really captured beautiful moments

CharlieSays said...


Unknown said...

Awesome shots!

Can't wait for our turn ... =)

Anonymous said...

ThaNKS to all your wonderful comments=)

Anonymous said...

I'm also speaking for Michelle when we say we absolutely LOVED the photos. You were able to capture all the emotion of our ceremony and reception. I find myself during the day just watching the slideshow over and over because it just brings back so many great memories of that happy day.

We received many compliments from our guests on how hardworking your team was and we saw you guys moving around constantly to get great shots. Thank you so so much for everything!