About Us

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Hi. Welcome to our blog. This contains all of our recent work and sometimes just random stuff that we love to write about. BlueLights specializes in wedding photography. We strive to tell the real story of your special day through our photos. Do leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Alva + Mark

Last weekend, we had the good fortune of documenting Alva and Mark's wedding at St. Joachim Church in Costa Mesa. We had so much fun shooting their wedding as not only are they a wacky couple but their entire bridal party was a hilarious bunch. This made our job so much easier...

Below is a glimpse of how stunning Alva was....



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahha...."HILARIOUS BUNCH"..... thats us!!!!! not a boring moment....

~maid of honor~