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Hi. Welcome to our blog. This contains all of our recent work and sometimes just random stuff that we love to write about. BlueLights specializes in wedding photography. We strive to tell the real story of your special day through our photos. Do leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Gloria and Pete's Golden Wedding Anniversary

Before I met Tito Pete, Tita Gloria and the Francisco siblings, I was quite bummed that I got voted out of the Cancun wedding shoot (via Allan's double-sided coin =)) of which I chose heads. Little did I know that I was going to be in on one of the most enjoyable wedding shoots.

Right when I walked into the Francisco home, I met Robert, wife Kerry and their adorable daughter Sophia, and immediately felt at ease. I then met the entire family including Tito Pete and Tita Gloria and their eldest daughter Teresa. After the meeting, I wanted to shoot this wedding sooo badly as wedding anniversaries especially the 50th have to be one of the most special events that could happen in a family and the thought of somehow being witness to it is just plain awesome! So when Teresa emailed me asking that I send her the contract, I was ecstatic. Though it would've been great shooting it with my BlueLights partners, I had two very able 2nd and 3rd shooters in Angel and Christopher! I can't imagine shooting this one without them!

Tito Pete and Tita Gloria, we feel so blessed to be your photographers. Thank you so much for the hospitality. We seriously feel like a part of your extended family! You still owe us the secret to your successful marriage!

Here are some favorites:

The ambient light from the small window of the Queen Mary Hotel room was just gorgeous.





A sweet moment captured by Christopher.

The adorable Sophia.

Click on this LINK to view some of the highlights of their wedding.

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