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Hi. Welcome to our blog. This contains all of our recent work and sometimes just random stuff that we love to write about. BlueLights specializes in wedding photography. We strive to tell the real story of your special day through our photos. Do leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Test-driving the P & S at Clare and Elmer's Wedding

After days of waiting, I finally received my christmas present for myself - a point & shoot camera. I have searched for months for the right P & S to get for the times when I don't want to be lugging around a heavy gear and finally settled with a Canon P & S.

Yesterday we attended Clare and Elmer's wedding at the beautiful Immaculata Church inside the University of San Diego campus and it was the perfect time to test-drive my new toy and see how it would perform (not that I expected it to perform anywhere near my DSLR). Just as expected, beyond ISO 200, photos are unacceptably noisy. I thought of mounting a flash but knew it was going be top-heavy and defeated the purpose of just having a pocket camera with me. Anyway, I thought it performed really well outdoor and it's 28mm equivalent lens was perfect for architectural and landscape shots.

Here are a few photos from yesterday:






Here are a few more sample shots of my new toy at the Fullerton Arboretum today.

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